Currently Into: Skincare Volume 2

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

In this edition of Currently Into, I'm sharing about my skincare routine and skincare products I'd like to try. 

By now, you have read that I love skincare. 

Growing up, my mom has always,always,always encouraged me to take really good care of my skin. I fortunately have never had any major skin issues. 

While I was growing up all I really had to do was wash my face when I showered with a little bit of water and that was it...even through my teenage years I never had issues with acne #thankful.  As I got older, I took it upon myself to put moisturizer on at night and DRINK LOTS OF WATER.  At one point my grandmother even compliment my skin. Hearing a compliment from my grandmother about my skin was a HUGE deal. My grandmother was ALL about taking good care of your skin. 

My skincare routine has ALWAYS been pretty simple.

Like I said when I was younger I just used water and called it good.

When I got into my high school years and early adulthood I started researching and came across OLAY. So, I started using this:

Olay's Clearly Clean Salicylic Acid Acne Treatment Scrub

I also use/used Olay's Complete All Day Moisturizer with SPF 15 daily on my skin. 

I've recently been wanting to try something NEW!  The problem with trying something new is that it has the possibility of breaking me out. Although I have good skin...some products have a tendency to do that.  If you know of a great product please let me know!!! 

The best thing about the above two items is that they are relatively inexpensive and can be bought just about anywhere!! 

Anyways, I still use the above items in my skincare routine to this day.  I just have added TULA to my routine, you can read all about my new found love for TULA right here and about some products from TULA that I want to try!! 

Fresh Rose Deep Hydrating Face Cream

Chanel Rinse Off Foaming Mousse Cleanser + Anti Pollution

The above items are just a few of the items I would like to try in the near future!!! I would absolutely love to hear what your favorite beauty products are!!! 

If you missed the first edition of Currently Into, you can check it out HERE!! 

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