Little Bit of Rachael | FAITH

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

"Little Bit" Of Rachael series idea was born after I was thinking about my grandmother. We called my grandmother "Mimi". Mimi had nicknames for me and one of them was "Little Bit" because I'm sure you can guess...I'm petite. So there you have name is Rachael AKA: Little Bit.

Before I begin: If you are a believer I'm so glad you're here reading my post, and if you are not a believer please, please, please have an open mind/heart. I am not posting this to put any kind of pressure on you, but I will say with 100% certainty that you will NEVER,NEVER, NEVER EVER regret asking Jesus in your life.

Also if you have a PRAYER REQUEST please leave it in the comment section.

The MOST IMPORTANT thing to me is 

Without my Faith I am absolutely nothing. My Faith has gotten me through some extremely hard times. 

Where did I give my life to Christ? 

I gave my life to Christ when I was 12 years old at VBS (Vacation Bible School) 

Did you get Baptized right after?

Yes, I got baptized a couple weeks later...

Are you involved in a bible study/life group? 

Yes I am and that IS THE BEST DECISION that I have ever made in my entire life! Without the girls and guys in my group I really don't know where I would be today. You can see more about my group here. I consider these people not only my friends but my family. 

Did you grow up in a Christian home?

Yes. I grew up in a household where my parents went to church and encouraged their children to go to church. I grew up going to Sunday School and going to disciple now. Disciple now was/is a time for kids/teenagers to spend a weekend away from their family just growing in their relationship with Jesus Christ. 

All THIS to say:
Of course as a Christian I'm a work in progress. I could always read my bible more, pray more, etc. Allow me to be REAL with you right now...LIFE ISN'T going to be all sunshine and roses, but when/if you do ask Jesus Christ into your life (I'll have more on this in a few minutes) life has a whole new meaning and purpose. 

One of my favorite devotionals is Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

My favorite worship music to listen to is KLOVE

If you are someone who doesn't have a church home or just want some encouragement I HIGHLY RECOMMEND visiting THE PORCH/Watermark online. If you are in your early 20's, mid 20's or late 20's I can't say enough about the messages of this church. 

If you want to know more please visit HERE 

If you would like to you can follow my faith pinterest board HERE.

If you are wondering how you can give your life over to Christ all you have to do is pray a little prayer that goes something like this. PLEASE,please,please don't ever,ever think that you have to have it all together to ask Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior. 

"Dear God I know that you gave your one and only son for my sins and that I need you in my life...I can't do this life alone. 

What to do after?

I would recommend finding a bible that you feel is easy to read or you can  download the You Version bible app. Just go to your app store and search "Youversion bible app". If you decide you want to download the Youversion bible app, there are a lot of reading plans that you can choose from. 

or you can purchase a bible from your local book store such as Barnes & Noble or Mardels. I personally have gotten She Reads Truth, but it is totally up to you on what kind of bible you get. There is absolutely no wrong one to get. As long as you are reading your bible and building that relationship with Christ. 

I hope I covered some of your questions about accepting Christ in your life and I hope you learned a "little bit" more about me! 


Next time on Little Bit of Rachael...The people that I love the MOST in this world...My family & friends.

Tomorrow on a special edition of Entertainment With Me I will have all the details on who is performing at this year's show, the nominees, my Best & Worst Dressed from the red carpet ( I will be LIVE blogging the winners as I watch the show)& a whole lot more!! 

Here's a little preview:

Brad & Carrie host the 51st Annual CMA AWARDS

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