Friday Favorites: Shower,Sale, &Summer Nights!!

Friday, July 15, 2016

Update: I just came across a great post and felt I had to share please visit this post!! It's a 21 day love challenge. In light of what has happened in this country within the last few weeks and months, I thought there is no better post,we as humans really do need to share the love and do acts of kindness!  Thanks Shelly at Queen in Between for posting this on your Friday Favorites!! 

Today  I'm joining Narci,Erika,and Andrea for Friday Favorites!!! Please join us if you haven't!! You can join by linking up at Erika's!



Last weekend we had my sister's baby shower. The shower was hosted by our long time family friends. The baby's name is River.  So, they went with a theme of sail boats and fishing...On the table where the guests sat were these beautiful flowers! 


Nordstroms is having their Anniversary sale and I came across this FitBit,scarf, Kendra Scott earrings...Just a little sneak peak of what's for sale!!! Right now as I'm posting this it's only open to card holders and goes through July 21st (next Thursday)!


This next one is for my peeps who LOVE Christmas year 'round!! I know it's July, but I love a great Christmas movie and Hallmark is showing Christmas movies this month!! 

Also, coming to Hallmark starting July 23rd


Some of my favorite pins from this week!!!



Last but certainly not least...I'll leave you with this!! Have a terrific weekend!!! 


  1. Love the pics from your sister's baby shower!! and your favorite pins are super cute. I would love to find those "home, love, faith, and family" signs. Have a great day!
    Jessica @
