Fitness: Fitness and Faith

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Happy Wednesday girlies!! Today, is my brothers Chase's Birthday!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHASE!!!! 

Today on the blog...Fit Inspiration! For my previous post on fitness  just visit the link!! 

As I shared on Monday I signed up for a workout challenge with Suzy Collins of Freedom Grace & Fitness. Suzy, a fitness coach for Beachbody has monthly fitness challenges.  What I like about Suzy is that she pairs fitness with faith. It's about not only your physical health but your spiritual health as well. 

This morning I saw this:

It's Candace Cameron Bure (Full House, Fuller House) doing ropes. I mean has 40 ever looked better? As a 20 something year old this motivated me! Candace looks great!! 

This is how I want to look and feel when I'm 40+.

I want to feel young and healthy and be in the best shape of my life.

Here's her workout routine from and a few other questions from the interview.

Q: What’s your daily exercise routine?
A: I usually go to the gym three days a week. I get there at 5 a.m. to get my workout in before my kids get up. I lift heavy weights for about 20 minutes and then do 30 minutes of cardio on an elliptical machine or a treadmill.

Q: Do you get a chance to exercise much with your family?
A: We live right at the beach, so a lot of our training is on the beach, which makes it that much more fun. We will go for a 3-mile run along the beach, and my husband always has training gear in his car. We will be in the park and do all kinds of exercises together. It’s calisthenics: push-ups and dips and lunges those kind of things. We’re just an active family. We also take our dog on a hike in the mountains or go for family walks. We’re big tennis fans too.

Q: What’s the best health advice you ever received?
A: I remember this because someone told me when I was 16 and it’s stuck with me ever since. It’s great not just for losing weight, but for maintaining your weight: “Eat until you are satisfied, not full.” It made me get in tune with my body and listening to the signals that I was satisfied and didn’t need to eat any more.

Q: What kind of guilty food pleasures do you have?
A: Sugar. I love desserts. If it’s ice cream or some type of chocolate cake or apple pie or crème brûlée, I just love it. Those are hard for me to resist. I don’t think people need to give those things up. I believe in moderation. I usually keep desserts for in a restaurant instead of at home. Unless it’s a special occasion we try not to bring those things into the house.

Hope this motivated you a little!! It did me!! Have a great Wednesday!!! 

"But Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible)
Matthew 19:26 

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