A Dash of Real Life: Singleness

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

As far back as I can remember I've always wanted to get married.  I've always pictured finding a Godly man, a man who will provide well, be my BEST FRIEND, a great father to our children one day…just someone who I can go through life with.  

Just call me a hopeless romantic. 

*Disclaimer: I do NOT want to sound like I'm whining. It's just something I've always dreamed about*

I didn't realize how bad until this last year. With both of my older siblings getting engaged  and getting married its made me realize just how much I want to have a family. It's also made me wonder if  it will ever happen. 

On my extremely bad days I don't think it ever will, and on okay days I'm just like whatever if it happens, it happens and it's in God's control. I have a really hard time giving this area of my life over to the one who can really control this and that's God. 

What makes this even more difficult is getting on social media and seeing old classmates or  just hearing about someone getting engaged or seeing pictures of a Bride. I know what you're thinking why don't you get off of social media and get over it. It's not that big of a deal. I wish it were that simple, but it's just not that easy. Also, you're probably thinking just go out with your friends…That sounds great too….I'm someone who has very few friends. My best friend lives a whole 8 hours away. My other friends are busy and have their own lives and careers.  AND honestly speaking, it MAY NOT help watching The Bachelor/Bachelorette shows.

My point is that being single is very hard and for me lonely.  I've posted about my faith and yes I go to church but that's just not enough honestly.  I try to keep busy by going to the gym  and going shopping and of course getting on here to blog and pinterest.  Trying to find happiness and accepting being alone is extremely hard. Seeing other people have what you want is tough. Eventually, I will wake up soon and won't even think about it and be just fine. 

In the end though, this is an area I REALLY do need to do some MAJOR PRAYING about. 

I don't know if any of you ladies or gents struggle with this to. If you do I would love to hear about it and hear how you came to accept it and what you did to get over it. 

And for previous A Dash of {REAL} Life posts:

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