
Monday, December 15, 2014

My parents raised me in church. Did we go every sunday? NO, we didn't. When my siblings and I were younger we were involved in children plays, kids choir, and such. 

At the age of 12, I attended  VBS( Vacation Bible School). It was there that I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. The day was July 20th when I got baptized. 

As we got older, my sister and I were involved in Wednesday nights and disciple now. D-Now was a weekend getaway to learn more about Jesus and fellowship with fellow christians. We would stay at a host home. 

Have I gone through any major hardships? A couple so far. My life had/has been pretty great. There was a time during junior high that was a rough time for me. My brother had struggled with some things and it had a real affect on me. Going to Sunday school and going to my group on Wednesday nights was the only thing that kept me sane. It was my escape. 

 My faith was certainly tested again.My mom had cancer when she was in her early 20's. She had to undergo chemotherapy and radiation. The radiation did some damage to her heart. Hearing that my mom had to have heart surgery was horrible. I started keeping a journal and writing down my prayers. I would pray that my mom would have great doctors and that everything would be okay.She went to Baylor in Dallas and had Dr.Ryan operate. The walk down the hall where we would leave my mom was the hardest thing I've had to do . Having to sit in the waiting room with my aunt,uncle,sister, dad, and my mom's best friend not knowing what the outcome would be was so scary and will be something I will never forget. It was a long four hours. Thankfully, God gave the doctors and nurses the wisdom they needed and she's okay now. I am so thankful to God and how he got me through that day. January 12th will be a day I will NEVER EVER forget. Realizing that you might not have a parent around is a hard pill to swallow. My mom has been there for everything. Everything from taking me to speech therapy to dance recitals to everything in between. I love my whole family, but my mom is so special to me. Without God and her I don't know where I would be today. 

What I've learned so far is that God will be faithful and will provide. Even though I was scared and didn't know what the outcome would be God was always there for me. He will never leave my side. He is my strength and my shield. He will never fail me.  All we really have to do is trust in him.  If you haven't been through a trial(s) in life, I will guarantee you, you will go through one, but with faith in God it'll be okay!! 

Recently, I've felt very alone but once again God has provided the people that I need in my life in this season of life. I reached out, took a chance in getting involved in a group. One of the ladies in that group has been so kind and put a smile back on my face and made me realize there is hope and that everything will be just fine.  

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