Thursday, November 14, 2013
Why W? Let me explain.

Today, I got ready to go to work and thought, "This is going to be a great day!", and it was for the majority of it….Until… I got the news that one of my coworkers that is so upbeat, talkative, and just lights up a room kind of gal was moved to a different area. This lady always made me smile even when I was feeling a little down in the dumps and so it made me sad for the rest of the day. 

When I got off work I was still upset by this. I was just thinking and thinking "poor me, poor me" and then I got on my computer. I started to listen to my new Kellie Pickler cd "The Woman I Am". That wasn't making me feel any better, so, I decided to get on Facebook. On Facebook I came across a girl that I went to school with….I started looking through her pictures and stuff. Shortly thereafter, I came across a devotional. I started googling it and well…That is how W came about. W or Word is a daily bible devotional app. 

I downloaded Word(W) and today's is about "Being Happy". 

The verse that accompanied this photo was 1 Thess. 5:16. Always Be Joyful. 

I have to be honest that being happy or always joyful has been hard lately. I've had so many emotions and they have ranged from being really sad to being angry. I've seen my brother and sister be so happy and I've been wondering when and if I ever am going to "Be Happy". There is NOTHING and I mean NOTHING that I should be complaining about yes there are days that nothing goes my way, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't be happy or joyful. My sweet mom is always quick to point out small things that I should be thankful for. I'm not in a country where my christianity isn't accepted, I'm not starving, I'm not homeless as some people are tonight as I am typing this. YES, I DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING to be unhappy about and yet I am feeling alone and sad. Why? I can't answer that simple question.

Back to what I was saying. I came across this devotional and I of course read it and it said…Happiness is OUR CHOICE!! Being happy people is our choice and that if we're happy more people would want to be around us more. This made me think. Maybe what my family is saying is right. Maybe if I changed my attitude and made a conscious choice to BE HAPPY more people will want to be around me and life will get easier. So starting today I'm going to try to BE HAPPY!

Have y'all ever felt this way? 

If you're interested in this devotional you can google it. I simply typed in word devotional app.

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