Real Life Talk: Putting God First

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

This series Real Life Talk I'm going to be sharing what I feel is most important to me , the highs and lows of life, and anything that is REAL LIFE. Not everything is fabulous and sunshine everyday. I'm hopeful that you'll find something you can relate to. 

The number one thing in my life is my relationship with my Lord and Savior. 

Matthew 6:33 says." But seek first his kingdom,and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

I believe the most important thing you can do in life as a single woman, single man, married couple, separated, or divorced human being is having a relationship with God first and foremost, and then everything else will fall into place. 

I believe that you should put God above your marriage, kids, jobs,etc.  

We all have things that distract us from reading our bible, praying,going to bible studies(groups), going to church,etc, but the truth is that we need to be making it a priority to attend church, read the bible and prayer. 

I'm guilty of not making reading my bible and praying a priority  Instead in my life, I've made working out,eating healthy more of a priority(as it should be) and I've found myself slipping. I find in the times that I have made this a priority my life goes much, much smoother and I'm happier. I need to make reading my bible and seeing how I can be a better servant for Christ  more a priority than going to spend an hour on the treadmill, just so I can fit in a cute skirt or dress.

In seeking god first I believe that as a single woman/guy or married couple you will come to find out that everything else falls into place. 
Nothing in life, not the most beautiful man/woman, children, cars, homes, vacation, etc. can make you happy or replace the love of God. 

I believe that if you seek God first, God can take you to places that  you never have even thought or dreamed about. 

.In doing this post I came across this article from Joyce Meyer. 

I hope this made sense...It sometimes is hard to articulate whats in your head to paper or this case blog, but anyways if you're interested in starting a prayer life I came across this on this blog. I've mentioned it before, but if you don't know who Katie Farrell is of Dashing Dish you can check it out here and while you're there you can print this!

If you have not committed your life to Jesus Christ I invite you to visit this page

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