NEW! Friday's Choice

Friday, August 28, 2015

BRAND NEW!  Beginning today, I'm starting a new series called "Friday's Choice"! I'll share what I'm currently LOVING or NOT LOVING….It can be anything! 

I am absolutely LOVING these Michelle Butler decorative bottles!! You can find her on her official website or on Pinterest @ Michelle Butler Designs. I would love to have these in my future home!! 

I've always wanted a canopy bed!

While I'm on a strict workout and eating regimen at the moment and can't have these…I would love, LOVE to TRY THESE Andes Mint Cupcakes! If you know me you know I love anything mint and chocolate!! Favorite Ice Cream is mint chocolate chip! 

I'm actually really EXCITED to see this GUY (BEN HIGGINS) as the NEW BACHELOR!! January seems like it's foreverrrrrr away! 

 I hope ALL of you have a GREAT weekend! On Monday I'll continue my series 24!

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