My Love Affair with....

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Scale.
Yes I admit it. I have the most soap opera, drama filled, I'm talking The Notebook level romance with my scale. One day we will be happy and in love, the progress of our relationship will be blossoming and then... "that" day. Most you have problem been a victim of "that" day. You hop on the scale and the number is startling and automatically all hopes and dreams of a great bikini bod seem ruined. I know this is true for me. I have had the scale literally ruin my day (just ask my family about The Great Easter Weigh in). Which is embarrassing to admit but nonetheless true. So I started thinking about why we put so much focus on our weekly weigh in and the emotions behind it. First of all I think that weight loss is an emotional process. We work extremely hard, make large sacrifices, and for many of us it is at the forefront of our mind for most the day so to see that number looking back at you with a plus 2... how could we not be upset?  I personally believe that the scale can be a great tool for cutting fat or a way to through in the towel. We have to begin to look at the scale in a way that makes us realize that it is just a number and then we have to figure out why it is that number. I call this being the Pounds Detective. Begin to ask yourself the right questions on why a number is what it is. There really is always an answer it just takes HONEST with yourself.
What to ask yourself?
1. Did I cheat on my meal plan?
2. Did I take in a lot of sodium? (leading to water retention)
3. Have a consumed more carbs than normal? (leading to water retention and possibly fat gain)
4. What was my last meal? (Was it super heavy and how long ago was it?)
5. Are you backed up? (funny but true)
Be mature enough to figure out YOUR body. Take the time to ask what is truly going on instead of turning the weigh in into a epic life shattering moment.
More than any of those things though I want to leave you with this... You are more important and more valuable than a number on a scale. I will be the first to admit there have been times that I have gotten my self worth out of what the scale said back to me but at the end of the day the scale is going to change for better or worse so you might as well invest in you and the fact that no matter what the number is now it can change, but more importantly love yourself despite the number on the scale.
Keli K.
Tweet me: @heelstreadmills.

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