WEEKEND RECAP| Super Bowl Edition

Monday, February 4, 2019

HAPPY MONDAY!!! Hope all of you enjoyed your weekend & the Super Bowl!


On Friday, I got off work early. Headed to the gym, of course and later on I went to a local boutique called PIPER.  Unfortunately on this trip I didn't find anything I liked...bummer. 


Saturday, It was pretty low key as I wasn't feeling good at all. I slept on and off the whole day. 


SUPER BOWL SUNDAY!!! It was a big day around here as it was my mother's birthday!!  We went out to eat where I got the most delicious LOBSTER MAC and CHEESE #healthyiknow #ITWASDELICIOUS #hittingthegymasap

That was my weekend in a nutshell!! 

I hope all of you have a wonderful week!! Hope to see y'all right back here tomorrow for TUESDAY SPIEL!!!! 

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