What's Up Wednesday ~~January 30 ,2019) #1
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Happy Wednesday!!
ICYMI: Yesterday's post was Tuesday Spiel: My January Book Review
What's Up Wednesday is a link up that is hosted by the lovely and talented Shay and Sheaffer on the last Wednesday of every month. If you're a blogger, please link up with Shay and Sheaffer!! It's gonna be fun!!
Okay,let's get started!!
This week I've had Salmon,Trout Tostadas, Shrimp and Scallops...ALL of it YUMMY!!!!
I've also had a salad with spinach,tomato,cucumber, tuna with Rasberry Walnut Vinaigrette dressing! #sodelicious

As I've said in my Leather post, I saw this reversible tote on Sheaffer's blog and I check it out, purchased it, and NOW I LOVE IT!!! If you want to check it out go HERE!

Every day after work I go straight to the GYM!!! Nothing makes me feel better than getting a good sweat going!!!

I'm dreading the rest of winter....I'm desperately wanting WARMER WEATHER!!! C'MON ALREADY!!!

I'm working on trying to DRINK more Water!!!
I'm a tiny bit excited about the Super Bowl this weekend! It's also my sweet mama's birthday!!!
I'm also EXCITED about watching this:
For my bible study group we are reading through the book of John.

I love country music and I enjoy Maren Morris' music and this particular song is definitely on REPEAT!!! If you haven't it checked out, What are you waiting for?!
This sweater & scarf are both from LOFT
I wore this Buffalo plaid skirt from J Crew to church this Sunday!
It's my mom's birthday & Super Bowl Sunday!!!
Not much is NEW around here!!!
Bonus Question: What's your favorite family Valentine's Day tradition?
Valentine's Day isn't really a HUGE day in my family. We might get some chocolate and maybe have a great dinner, but other than that I don't think we have a "tradition". It just kinda depends on the year. To be honest, Valentine's Day is NOT a favorite of mine.
What's Up Wednesday
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